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Tip 12 – Terms You Should Know While Playing Roulette, Part I


Now that you know the rules, strategies, and bets for playing roulette

This is the 12th tip in the “How to Play Roulette – 16 Spins to Win” eBook.

…here are some additional roulette terms that you many hear while you are playing.

Let’s get right to it, this post will cover term’s starting with letters A-P.

A: American Roulette – Roulette with a 38 number wheel, which increases the house advantage.

B: Ball – The ball used to decide the winning number on the roulette wheel.

Biased Wheel – An imperfect wheel where particular numbers result more frequently than chance allows.

Big Number – A number that scores more frequently than statistically possible.

Black Action – Betting with a $100 chip.

C: Carré – a French word (meaning “Square) used to describe a Corner Bet.

Cheval – a French word (meaning “Horse”) used to describe a Split Bet.

Choppy Game – a roulette game where no consistent patterns can be seen.

Colonne – a French word (meaning “Column”) used to describe a Column Bet.

Croupier – the roulette dealer.

D: Derniere – a French word (meaning ‘last’) used to describe betting on the third group of twelve numbers in a Dozen Bet (25-36).

Double Row – Betting on six numbers in two rows or ‘streets’ on the grid. Winning bets pay 5 to 1. Also called a Line Bet or a Six Number Bet.

Douzaine – a French word (meaning “Dozen”) See Derniere.

E: En Plein – a French term (meaning “Into Full”) used to describe the Straight-up Bet.

Even Money – A bet with a payoff of 1 to 1.

F: Flat Bettor – a player who makes the same bet every play.

G: Greens – $25 Chips (usually green).

I: Impair – a French word (meaning “Odd”) used to describe an Odd Number Bet.

M: Manque – a French word (meaing “Miss”) used to describe a Low Bet (1-18) that pays even money.

N: Nickel – $5 Chip (usually red).

Noir – a French word (meaning “Black”) used to describe a Black Bet.

P: Pair – a French word (meaning “Even”) used to describe an Even Number Bet.

Passé – a French word (meaning “Passed”) used to describe the High Bet (19-36) that pays even money.

Plain – a “Straight-Up Bet” (or playing only 1 number).

Premiere – a French word (meaning “First”) used to describe the 1st dozen numbers (1-12) in a Dozen Bet.

If you are interested in one of our Vegas Style Gambling Cruises that include Blackjack, Roulette, and Let it Ride or simply want more information

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